It goes against my nature to say “I won’t do it no more” but sometimes that is the only way. No matter how hard it is to put your foot down work is work and it’s not worth breaking yourself or put aspects of your life outside of work in jeopardy.
Each of us have our own individual limits of how much we are willing and able to give and take. The reality of many situations is that you yourself need to set your boundaries and stick to them. If you keep moving them others will naturally try to go for the now “updated” boundary. And eventually, unless you’re firm on what your boundaries are that new “updated” one start becoming the norm.
I’m not one for having rigid boundaries or holding firm on “I said this so….” but I do believe that when you clearly feel that enough is enough, you build up the courage to say it, and you really mean it, then you have to stand firm. If you don’t then your boundaries don’t really mean anything and the next time you try to put them in place it becomes harder both for yourself and against others. It’s not always the easiest but sometimes there needs to be an end to what Mr/Mrs/Miss Nice Guy is able to or should do. And in most cases a solution will be found. It would have had you not been Mr/Mrs/Miss Nice Guy in the first place and that’s worth remembering.
Tomorrow – Day 214 | Is there such a thing as caring too much?
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