This has been an interesting week, from starting to meditate to forgetting my bag on the platform and then making it safely over to Sweden despite what was cutting it a bit short.
At the start of this week I mentioned how our projects are working out quite nicely in terms of balancing multiple things at one time. We’re trying to leverage as much as we can from our agency years and with that working on more than one thing at the time. So far, despite that lack of time it’s working out. Of course, sometimes it gets a bit much and on Day 123 this week I was supposed to have an evening of sketching but that turned out to be very unproductive due to a tired brain after an already very busy week at work. Instead I tried an app that a colleague of min had been recommending for getting some headspace and learning meditation techniques. I wrote about it on Day 124 but didn’t manage to publish the post before going to bed (had a 5am start so prioritised sleep). Wether that was what helped me keep a cool head on Day 125 I’m not sure, but what I do know is that I was sat finishing off that post when the tube for T5 arrived and I stood up and forgot my bag on the platform. The bag that had my computer in. All was however well and with 30 minutes until my flights departure I arrived with both of my bag at T5 and made my flight to Sweden.
And then we have Sweden. A day of frantic work and packed schedule for the rest of the weekend trying to see as many people as possible. It all had me thinking about the importance of designing positive experiences and how a frequent visit shouldn’t be a prerequisite for a stress free experience. It goes for real life and online and I wrote a few lines about it on Day 126. It’s related to what we’re working on at byflock and in general I believe that we can design better social services for the not so frequent visitor, ensuring they’re not missing out.
Tomorrow – Day 128 | The response that makes you warm inside