Yesterday I learnt that we are in fact on day number 116 of this year and not 114 as I had thought. No need to be alarmed though. There hasn’t been any time thieves or the likes simply stealing two days from us. I’ve just mistakenly put down the same day number twice.
My first thought was “Buggers – that means that when I was so excited about having reached 100 days I was actually late to the game. It was day 102 already.”. I got over that pretty quickly though and started thinking what to do. Obviously I had to correct the numbering as I refer to the day number in the blog post title. So that’s what I did. Slightly painful and with the added on effect that any bookmarked or shared links to posts before day 116 will now not work (simple fix is to change the day number reference in the url to minus 2 from what ever the number is). Thankfully it didn’t happen in the first few weeks but only on day 87, and I will certainly keep a closer eye on it from now.
Tomorrow – Day 118 | Ponders from a girly dinner
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