Yesterday was the first time I missed writing a post on the day. Travel had a little to do with it but I’m happy to say that I am now in Austin.
Our flight from Heathrow yesterday was delayed for four hours due technical issues, but it wasn’t so bad. Had very good company with Kate who I’m travelling with and one of her friends Dees who is also going to SXSW. In total there were 45 of us who were connecting from Dallas to Austin, only due to our delay we missed our connections and well, all flights coming into Austin at the moment are full so we couldn’t get on another flight. Instead BA organised busses. An added 4 hours bus journey is not exactly what you look forward to after a 10 hour flight and four hour delay, but we made it here safely, if somewhat tired and about 1am instead of 5.30pm.
Besides, if you weren’t aware already, I have a strange liking for long hauls so watching a movie, chatting to Kate about our plans, working a bit on byFlock and time went by pretty quickly and nicely.
Now time to get ready, do a quick call with London and off we go to explore.
Tomorrow – Day 068 | SXSW day 0
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