ux | work | life matters
Ever since I was a little girl I’ve collected quotes. I used to write them down in a particularly pretty notebook. Now, I’ve got a board on Pinterest and I also pull out quotes on this site from articles I read, or wise words I come across. I also wrote
Today is Lucia, a day that holds a special place in most Swedish hearts. Until 1753 when the Julian calendar was used in Sweden the night between the 12-13th of December was called Midwinter and considered the longest night of the year.
It’s been a dream of ours to go to New York for a long time. There’s something magical about that place for both of us. Something that’s pulling us in. Neither of us have been before but on Tuesday we’re finally off to experience the city we’ve been wanting to
As I start to write this post I’m sat on the tube. My MacBook Air is safe in its sleeve in my bag. My iPhone is what I’m writing this on. My iPad is at home in the living room. Next to the bed lies my iPod nano and in
Yesterday I went to the EuroIA predux and presented my talk, or rather an outline of it. A mishap with a lost portable harddrive which contained the core of my presentation and all of my examples meant that I quickly had to put together a few slides which somewhat summarised