Do you dare to share, and do you invite sharing?
The other day I came across a ghost. Here is that story and a few things it made me reflect upon when it comes to communication.
ux | work | life matters
The other day I came across a ghost. Here is that story and a few things it made me reflect upon when it comes to communication.
I’m a sucker for new beginnings and had planned to kick off this year with healthier habits etc. etc. but the only muscles I’ve been exercising are the ones involved with coughing, and handwriting. When the girls were little I thought I’d always, and easily, remember their firsts. The date
3 years ago this was me. Our baby girl was just over a week old and after an equally long break, I was back working through production comments on my book Storytelling in Design. After years of working on it, it was n e a r l y finished. Yet
Back in February 2011 I left Dare and began freelancing. At the same time we started building a loft conversion in our flat, and doing a head to toe renovation of it. Terrible timing in hindsight as there were so many decision to be made on a daily basis, most
It’s 6am and I’ve just fed our two month old daughter, gone up, made myself a cup of coffee and opened my computer. It’s still dark outside and everything is peaceful.
Just over three weeks ago our daughter was born and after 16 years of work I’m finding myself on maternity leave.
There is a saying that goes something along the lines of that you have to take care of yourself first in order to take care of others. This year I have but one thing on my “resolutions list” and that is to look after myself.
I remember the exact time I stopped feeling “get me out of here” and started feeling “please can I stay” when it came to public speaking. It was during my talk at Dublin Web Summit (as it was called then) back in 2013 and for the first time, I found
Just over a month ago I gave a workshop at UX London which kicked off a series of events and one heck of a month. Since the 20th of May I’ve re-thought what I want to do with my life, let my team go, lost a loved one and then
I went to bed last night as the markets were optimistic and fell asleep thinking it would all be ok. When I woke up shortly after 4.40am (funny that) and checked BBC news, I shot out of bed terrified. It couldn’t be. But it is.
Planes were built to live in the sky -from Everybody dies, but not everybody lives
Today I woke up with a new found energy and excitement that I can’t remember having had in a very long time.
Hygge was never meant to be translated – it was meant to be felt BBC News, Hygge: A heart-warming lesson from Denmark
If I lose $100 I’ll always be able to make that $100 dollars back, but if I loose 5 minutes, a weekend or a week, I’ll never ever get those 5 mins back. James Altucher, The Tim Ferris Show, Episode 18
People are always worried about getting from Point A to Point B, and in the process, they often miss the beauty right under their noses -From How Location Scouts Find The Places That Look Like Somewhere Else Image source: www.flickr.com/photos/lovestruck94/6128453854
Maybe we should all go around the world pondering the amazing wonders that surround us and the science that makes them happen. Because it’s all freaking amazing, really. – Sploid Watching these two old women fly for the first time is pure gold Image source: www.flickr.com/photos/fiddleoak/7391245532/in/photostream
Three years ago I left Dare where I was an Experience Lead and began freelancing. I had some of my best years with Dare but I’d reached a point in my career where I wanted something different and that’s what the last three years have given me.
Last Thursday mum and I had made a trip to Österlen. We were walking along the beach in Haväng when mum suddenly exclaimed “That dog just collapsed”. I looked ahead and saw three people huddled over a dog. It was lying on its right side and it didn’t move.
This morning I woke up, as you do, put on my running clothes and then took them off again. I really wasn’t in the mood and felt low on water and energy after a hot night in the bedroom. Temperatures hit 33 degrees outside yesterday.
Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack, a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in. Leonard Cohen, Anthem Image source: www.flickr.com/photos/31878512@N06/4945216951/in/photostream