On taking shots
You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take Wayne Gretzky Image source: www.flickr.com/photos/clydeorama/5302230759
ux | work | life matters
You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take Wayne Gretzky Image source: www.flickr.com/photos/clydeorama/5302230759
The other day I read an article on Inc. asking if the dream of having a happy family life whilst at the same time running a successful startup is possible. To me the answer to that is ‘Yes’.
Actually, to be good at business you have to just realise that everyone else is scared too, and the only difference between those that succeed and those that don’t is that the successful think ‘I’m scared, but sod it, I’ll give it a go anyway.’ Richard Reed, Co-founder innocent drinks
Sometimes you have to jump in feet first without knowing where or what you’re going to land on. The only thing you know is that one way or another you will land. It doesn’t mean however, that you jump in blind.
Few new products or services are based on completely new ideas. Many are a variation of something that already exists and the more products and services that are invented, the harder it is to find something someone hasn’t done in one shape or another before. And that’s fine.
We’ve started to think of names. Last year around this time I was doing the same for my Limited Company. It was quite the challenge and I ended up just picking one as the papers needed to be filed.
A couple of summers ago a new addition to our group of friends told me to make sure D and I had the legal aspects regarding our flat on paper. It was a slightly weird conversation to be having with someone I was meeting for the first time, but I
One of the beautiful things in life is how a seemingly small event or decision can end up shaping your future. You can often look back at certain points in your life and conclude that those were the ones that led you down the road you’re now on.
The internet, at this time in history, is the greatest client assignment of all time. It’s offering you a blank check and asking you to come up with something fascinating and useful that it can embrace en masse, to the benefit of everyone. – Ben Pieratt, Svpply – referenced in
Other than the regular 5 of vegetables and fruit, I have another set of 5 a day that I’m trying to stick to.
Every product and service that we use exist because someone decided they were going to do it. Every company that we work for has started as an idea and then taken a physical form when a decision was made to make it happen.
Today was the first day back in the office after the Christmas break here in the UK and that meant the start of prioritising and finding the right balance for me between work and life outside of work.
Embarking on a new journey is a bit like sailing in an archipelago. You know some of the islands you want to visit and you’re probably pretty excited about them. Some may seem less interesting or perhaps even pointless to visit and sailing to some may even be a bit
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. – Eleanor Roosevelt Image source: www.flickr.com/photos/fiddleoak/7391245532/in/photostream
The only limit to what can be done with these connected computing devices will be what entrepreneurs and engineers can dream up. From the Tech Crunch article The Cambrian Explosion in Start-Ups, an interesting read on the increase in number of start-ups and how ‘connected’ will play a crucial role.
These things can profoundly influence life. I’m not downplaying that. But it’s a disservice to constantly put things in this radical new light – that it’s going to change everything. Things don’t have to change the world to be important. – Steve Jobs in an interview with Wired, 2006 on
Just before lunch we were invited to a demo of Super Hi Vision over at the Television Centre here at the BBC. Somehow I’d managed not to pay attention to this new format. Now I’ll never forget it. It was absolutely amazing.
Each step by any (and every) one who ships moves us. It might show us what won’t work, it might advance the state of the art or it might merely encourage others to give it a try as well. To those who feel that they have no choice but to
I have an idea list. Or rather it is an idea book. It’s where I before my iPhone and iPad would scribble down ideas for online projects and that cafe I one day want to open.
When our mistakes stare us in the face, we often find it so upsetting that we miss out on the primary benefit of failing (yes, benefit): the chance to get over our egos and come back with a stronger, smarter approach. From The 99 percent article Why success always starts