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Category: 2012 Day by Day

Kitty made her mark

Day 326 | Using our skills to make a difference

I want to make a difference in this world. Help it be a better place. There are many ways to do this, both in our everyday lives through simple small things like smiling rather than grunting, or paying a stranger a compliment, but also through putting our skills to use.

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Day 324 | Monday treat makes the week be sweet

When the alarm goes off on Monday morning many of us probably hit snooze or wish it was still the weekend. Monday’s are when the week ahead is at it’s longest and but, it’s also where we have the biggest opportunity to set us up for the rest of the

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Week 46 summary

Day 323 | Week 46 summary

This week I’ve been reminded of the importance of being around people who are doing a similar thing to you. Someone who knows what you’re going through, who you can exchange advice, pep talks or kicks in the behind with.

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Christmas lights down on Southbank

Day 322 | That magical time of the year

It’s that time a year again when the cities get decorated in lights and Christmas music is played in every corner. It’s dark and crisp outside, at least in this part of the world, and the air is filled with anticipation and a little bit of magic.

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Green park station

Day 320 | Forced to walk in the slow lanes

During my new commute to work there is a bit where I need to walk from one tube line to another and it’s a walk that simply does’t flow. It’s made me think of the bicycle lanes in Copenhagen but also how having to walk slowly sometime is probably a

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Big smile

Day 318 | The impact of the people around you

It’s no coincidence that we come back from conferences, meets ups or great days at work feeling inspired, happy and energised. Being surrounded by people who are passionate and love what they do is contagious and fills you with motivation, but it can also make you accomplish more.

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Week 45 summary

Day 316 | Week 45 summary

It hasn’t been the most inspiring week, and coupled with something related to a particular life decision has made me feel less cheery. But, the week started out positive with how easy it can be to move the boundary between what you’re uncomfortable and comfortable with.

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Out of sync

Day 315 | Out of sync

As you might have noticed I’m somewhat out of sync writing these posts. I’ve fallen out of the habit and I guess I’ve for the moment lost some of the joy associated with writing these.

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Puppy eyes

Day 313 | Tackling guilt & explaining your priorities

Everyone has different values and goals they want to achieve in life. But explaining them, and what’s required, to loved ones can at times be tricky. Particularly if it for a unknown period of time involves giving up on certain things in order to make it happen.

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Flat out

Day 311 | Mental tiredness

Some days leave us as tired as if we’d gone for a long run or slept terribly despite us having done neither. Today was such a day, but it was a good tiredness.

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Week 44 summary

Day 309 | Week 44 summary

It’s the second week where things have been slightly up in the air and where incidents with kitty have resulted in a change of plans work wise and falling behind on a number of things.

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Avoiding war

Day 308 | Finding a solution & avoiding war

When I was little I often wondered how wars could start. Surely it wasn’t more difficult than both sides realising that sometimes no one wins but a compromise has to be made, from both parties side. As I grew up I soon realised it wasn’t always that easy.

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Why you should write every day

You probably think you have nothing to write about but once you start it gets hard to stop. Honestly. Writing is an incredibly important skill at all levels. By writing every day you reflect on things in a different and clearer way and you become better at expressing yourself. If you haven’t tried writing every day, give it a try for 30 days to begin with. I did it every day of 2012. Seth Godin has done it for years and swears by it.