ux | work | life matters

Day 339 | Unexpected meetings & new friends

Tonight I went to an event called NYC meets Tech City that ran two panels about NYC vs. London and how we can foster more collaboration between the two, but also the challenges and great things that both cities have experienced regarding startups related matters.

The event was live streamed to New York and organised by VentureOutNY. I didn’t know anyone there but left having met some really lovely people. People I look forward to meeting again in the future.
I’m new to attending these types of events, both startup and UX/IA related ones, but to anyone who is thinking about it I highly recommend it.
You never know just where the evening/day will take you and the real beauty of the cross disciplinary ones is that you meet people from a variety of walks in life. With an open mind, approachable attitude and a bit of a dare in you to introduce yourself to strangers, you will seldom regret attending. No matter what the event is about. And as for the types of event to attend there are numerous. Just have a look at Eventbrite, MeetUp or look through Lanyrd to name a few.

Tomorrow – Day 340 | Building dreams

Image source: www.flickr.com/photos/jessicavk/3898403131/in/photostream

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