ux | work | life matters

Day 188 | Collaboration, logic, stress testing & the little details

Yesterday I had one of those days that I really, really enjoy. It wasn’t about creating good things. It was about creating remarkable things where good is just not good enough.

I’m stubborn when it comes to design as well. Sometimes it’s clear that what’s on the screen isn’t working. Sometimes it’s a hunch that it could be better and trying a few different things is the only way forward. Many times have I been asked to go back and amend a wireframe but instead we’ve worked it out straight in design where you immediately can see if something is working or not. Yesterday was one of those days and the changes we made are on the right track of creating something that isn’t just good. It’s much better.

Yesterday was also a day of being heads down reviewing all wireframes and design, looking at the content and logic and stress testing that it all works. And it was about the little details. The things that makes the difference from good to remarkable.
Whilst I absolutely love sitting in front of the desk doing what I do, days like yesterday which were mostly spent with other members of the team, discussing, questioning and exploring different options are where I thrive the most. And as always, that kind of process, with the right team, always makes for a better end result and a more satisfying journey there.

Tomorrow – Day 189 | Prototyping our app

Image source: www.flickr.com/photos/nishanthjois/4542049217

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