There are certain projects and certain times in a project where being more observant of how you communicate, in written form and spoken is required. Not the least because tiredness and stress can make people a bit more sensitive, or with a slightly shorter fuse than normal.
Today an non-ill intended remark was made about the effect my holiday has had on the project I’m working on at the day job. Under normal circumstances it wouldn’t have bothered me that much. But with this project it did. I knew me going away on holiday wasn’t great timing wise but it was flagged long in advanced, the risks repeated, suggestions of workarounds made, and I offered to work part of the time when I was away. The comment was just a badly worded email, but under the circumstances it was big enough to deflate my motivational ballon. Not the least as I got it at a time when I’d just, once again, cancelled my evening plans in favour of working on the project.
I’m a big advocate of the little things and when a project is demanding those little things become ever more important. Carrots, thank you’s and encouragement is what’s needed and a bit more attention should be given to make sure the team feels motivated and know they are doing a good job. Because we all need to hear that. The comment, as innocent as it was and as over sensitive as I may have been, did not do that but the contrary.
Working as a team is a fine dynamic. A good team can move mountains and a bad team can sink the ship that seemed unsinkable. Communication and motivation are key factors in either case and at times more attention should be given to those aspects in order to keep the ship afloat.
Tomorrow – Day 180 | Post holiday tiredness
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