ux | work | life matters

Day 161 | Peace and quite in the office on a Saturday

During the summer months when I was permanent I used to cycle into work before 7am. The city would be quiet and the roads empty. I’d stretch and shower as I got into the office, prepare my breakfast and start the day being amongst the first in. I loved those mornings.

I’ve always loved early mornings before everyone wakes up. When the day hasn’t yet properly woken up or started. I have a particularly strong memory from being a child where the oldest of my younger brothers and I snuck out from our family friend’s summer house just after dawn. The forest and the sand dunes were still wet from the night mist and the birds were just starting singing. We walked through the forest and all the way down to the dunes and the beach. It was our adventure and no one else knew.

Somehow early mornings still have that feeling of adventurism over them. A little like a secret mission compound of being up and doing things whilst people are still asleep. Of course it’s less so in a big city like London and particularly not on a Saturday like today when I headed into the office for 10am. But still, the fact that the office was empty gave me a bit of the same feeling.

As for actually doing the work that feels less like a secret mission but I still love the early hours in an empty office. It gives me a feeling of being ahead and starting the day in peace and quiet. And with less people around asking questions or meetings to go to, you also get a lot more done.

Tomorrow – Day 162 | Week 23 summary

Image Mälarhusen beach where we had our morning adventure
Image source: www.flickr.com/photos/ahlcrona/7282375306

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