ux | work | life matters

Day 141 | Week 20 summary

As we continue to work through our products as well as manage everything else including the day job on the side, it’s becoming more clear to me that starting a company is not the hard part. It’s juggling everything around it and staying on top of things.

When other commitments are making time tight and eating up your energy it’s easy to feel a little disheartened that this is not what you signed up for. But this week I got a bit of a boost and renewed energy.
It’s a hectic time at the day job and will continue to be so until the end of my contract, but I need to find the time for the things that matter to me and fit them into the day. And above all I must remember what it is that we’re working towards. It’s the castle I talked of on Day 136.

Tomorrow – Day 142 | One step at the time

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