Over the last year and a bit since I’ve started freelancing I’ve met so many great people working in the same field. As part of my decision to freelance I’ve become more active in the community and it’s due to this that I’ve met all of these great people.
When I decided to start freelancing it was out of a decision to take a bit more control of my life, have some more flexibility and being able to shape my everyday life a bit more. When I decided to make something out of my ideas and we started byflock, the interest to hear what other people have been through, get inspired and learn – it’s become even greater. Of course you see what you look for and as a result I’ve come across more startups and companies working with startups over the last few months than in my whole life. But, it’s incredibly motivating to hear other people tell tales of the good, the bad and overall how happy they are to be doing what they are doing.
Having people around you who know what you’re going through, who you can discuss the ups and downs, the doubts and highs with, it’s become really important to me. Both when it comes to freelancing in general and all the little things you need to be on top of, and when it comes to working on a startup. You can only learn so much from reading and only get so much out of it. I’m by all means a novice in this startup field but getting out there and meeting people, hearing what they have to say – it will teach you so much. Both with regards to their experiences but also when it comes to your reactions when you hear what they have to say. It’s a really good measure for what’s right for you. And you get to meet some great people and make new friends along the way. And that is by far one of the most rewarding aspects.
Tomorrow – Day 131 | Imagery for these posts
Image source: www.flickr.com/photos/54459164@N00/6668415421