This was the week where I unexpectedly got to spend two days working on byflock, but also the week where the year fast forwarded two days.
Monday and Tuesday this week I had all to myself and byflock and it was a mixture of working from home and in cafes. Being used to dipping in and out of our work during the week it was lovely to have some dedicated time to it. You forget how much you can get done when your mind is clear, it’s the start of a new day and your head is properly awake. There’s certainly a difference compared to the normal routine of working on our products after a full days work. At times that makes your head somewhat tired and I guess that’s why I also managed to reference the same day twice some time around day 87 and then again day 96. The correct day count of this year so far is 120 and not 118 as I had it mixed up.
Today we’ve had a good working session and got the next month planned out in a bit more detail.
Tomorrow – Day 121 | Multitasking