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Day: December 15, 2011

On the effects of social media on our brains

Ten years ago, the average attention span was 12 minutes – now it’s just 5 seconds. From the All Twitter article Is Social Media Ruining Our Minds? that talks on the emergent studies into how our multitasking skills, social interactions and ability to focus is affected by social media. Image

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Why you should write every day

You probably think you have nothing to write about but once you start it gets hard to stop. Honestly. Writing is an incredibly important skill at all levels. By writing every day you reflect on things in a different and clearer way and you become better at expressing yourself. If you haven’t tried writing every day, give it a try for 30 days to begin with. I did it every day of 2012. Seth Godin has done it for years and swears by it.